WHOLESALE PARTS : (586) 497-4100

PARTS FAX : (586) 754-5030

26125 VAN DYKE CENTER LINE MI 48015-2103


SALES : (866) 461-1170 | SERVICE : (877) 518-1485

My GM Partner Perks Parts Loyalty Program

My GM Partner Perks is a loyalty program that rewards Independent Service Centers and Body Shops for eligible GM parts purchases. The program is designed to be convenient and streamlined, keeping the partners' business in mind.

The My GM Partner Perks Loyalty Program offers benefits such as rewards and incentives based on purchases, national rebates, and consumer offers.

Learn more about each program below.

Ed Rinke Chevrolet Buick GMC

Wholesale Parts

26125 VAN DYKE CENTER LINE MI 48015-2103

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